Soccer Mom??
I don’t know how I got here, but after MANY seasons of soccer, I’ve landed the gig of “Team Manager” …there’s no shaking the “soccer mom” stigma at this point. Here’s the thing, with volunteer-led sports, you basically have to pick a role, and NOBODY wants me to be coaching their kiddo.
After so many years of never knowing when the games are, what field they’re on, etc. I figure it’s time to grab life by the horns and outsmart this thing called… YOUTH SOCCER.
All I need as a busy parent is ONE source of info. ONE… how hard is that? I need to know when practices are, where they are, when games are, where they are…oh! and when I’m bringing SNACKS… or if ANYBODY is brining snacks.
It is beyond ridiculous being a somewhat competent adult, and yet feeling SO baffled all the time with keeping up with my kids’ sports. For instance, when I hear from the coach that practices start this Thursday, I immediately put on my logistics hat and look up game times on the organization calendar… but they don’t exist yet! Ugh.
Well here’s where I’m hoping to change the lives of all of us soccer parents. I created a basic spreadsheet that has all the info I’ve ever asked of a team parent or coach in ONE simple, easy to access form that can be updated in real time by ANYBODY on the team so the team manager really doesn’t have much to manage at all!
So let’s make this season a great one, and whether you’re a coach who’s figuring everything out solo this season or you’ve found yourself as team parent, check out my Game Day Snack Sign Up in “Free Stuff” and get going on letting this form do the work FOR you!
Help your friends and share this with your coaching besties or spouses of coaches or fellow team parents and ENJOY!
Kris Karlin