Kris Karlin

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It’s me, hi…

After teaching for 14 years, I left the profession because I was EXHAUSTED and my family was paying the price. I was chronically tired, starting to show signs of chronic stress, yet crushing it in all things teaching!…I was the odd one that LOVED Back to School Night! Parent Conferences…. let me heat up my coffee. I figured out how to make my report cards accurate AND encouraging.

If you can relate to some of the above, there’s a good chance you’re an overwhelmed teacher, TRYING to show up as your best self.  You put in 9+ hour days only to drive home thinking that there’s so much you left unfinished or that one kid you didn’t help the way you intended to.  If this sounds like you, I’m your new bestie.

I spent the bulk of my teaching career where you are now.  I see you.  I get you.

… I couldn’t do it any longer with my husband being just as dedicated to his career as I was to mine.  In 2019, I stepped back from teaching and started the next few chapters of my life. I quit cold turkey! … [PLEASE don’t do this. The world needs incredible educators to stay in teaching.]

Fast forward to today and life has taken me on a wild journey to where I now work hard each and every day to level up our family business using so many of the skills that helped me thrive as an experienced teacher.

I’ve spent the last couple of years obsessing over all things leadership and team building.  I mean OBSESSED. Topics like increasing employee retention, communication, connection and professionalism are just a few areas that I’ve delved into. The crazy thing is, these were things I was naturally good at BECAUSE of my teaching experience.

In the process I’ve met my new besties…by that I mean I’ve read their books and listened to their podcasts… Brene Brown, James Clear and entrepreneurial guru Gino Wickman to name a few. These humans have been my guiding light in ALL things family, business and leadership.

Whether you’re a parent trying to connect with the world of education or a teacher looking for a fresh perspective, I’m glad you’re here!